My personal routine consisted of:
- 10:00 - 11:00 Wake up grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast and get ready for work
- 1:00 - 8:30 pm Go to work then for on my way home lazily pick up a burger or fast food for supper
- 9:30 - 10:00 pm Pass out for a 20 min power nap after eating and a day of work.
- 10:00 - 1:00 am Sit at the computer with a can of Coke while doing some gaming web browsing or watching a show.
- 12:00 - 1:00 am bedtime
- Getting around 9-10 hours sleep each night
- On the weekends I would take the dogs for a walk at the off-leash parks and occasionally use my Bowflex I bought a few years back. But I usually would just end up getting a headache if I overexerted myself and be even more tired the day after.

It finally got to the point that I knew my sinus problems where not getting better and the constant sinus pressure was starting to drive me mental. I bought a neti-pot, started taking Oil of Oregano and even started to vacuum the dogs thinking I might have developed some kind of allergy to our pets. Then I came across the website of Dr. Peter Glidden and started to learn about Naturopathic medicine, food allergies and Nutritional deficiencies.

I had heard on the radio a couple years back about trace minerals and micro-nutrients, how they have been proven to be extremely beneficial in Alzheimer patients.
Centuries of mining, farming, and irrigation have eroded these minerals from our soils. These mineral deficient soils are then used to grow and cultivate our food. Because of this, our food is lacking in essential minerals.
After a lot of researching I ended up ordering my first container of
Tangy Tangerine!
Tangy Tangerine!