Sunday, 6 May 2012

Month #1 March 2012

For the first month I started taking Tangy Tangerine as a replacement for my water/pop that I would take with me to work.   I bought a glass water bottle that I would mix 2 scoops with 16 fl oz of filtered water and drink it throughout the afternoon.  I was skeptical at first about taking a vitamin supplement as every other vitamin pill I have ever taken had given me wicked stomach cramps for about an hour after taking it.  This was certainly not the case with tangy tangerine.

After the first week or so I noticed that I was feeling a bit more energetic and after about 2 weeks I was no longer needing to pass out for a 20 min power nap after eating supper.  At this point I started to faze out the bad things in my diet and start eating a bit healthier when I could.  I took the good food/ bad food list and started to loosely follow it.  Cutting my fast food runs down to once every few days or so and dropping my pop consumption to about 3 cans a week, cutting out gluten on the other hand.. can't say I'm there yet but I made an effort to avoid it if possible.



Eggs—soft scrambled in butter, soft boiled, poached Butter
Beef—rare/medium rare
Mixed, Salted Nuts—no peanuts
Nut Butters—no extra sugar
Pure Buckwheat (Isn’t wheat).
Couscous (made from pearl millet only).
4-8, 8oz glasses of filtered water each day. Avoid soft plastic bottles.
20,000 ORAC points of antioxidants daily - Do a Google search for “ORAC food values” and figure out which foods to eat to get to this number.
Any carbohydrate (except oatmeal -see below) that is “Gluten Free” is OK.


NO Gluten!
NO Wheat
NO Barley
NO Rye
NO Oats, oatmeal - even if it says that it is Gluten Free.
NO Fried Food
NO Oils—cooking or salad. Yes, this includes Olive Oil!!!
NO Well done meat (rare or medium-rare is ok)
NO Deli Meat, any nitrates added to meat – tell your butcher NO NITRATES
NO Soda pop.
NO Skins of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins.

By the end of the first month I had lost 10 lbs dropping from 157 lbs to 147lbs,  and have started to restore my overall energy.  I started to feel good enough that I decided it was time to dust off my Bowflex and start exercising again.

after 1 month of being on Tangy Tangerine,
Sorry no before picture available.

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