Monday, 24 September 2012
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Finished my P90X!
Well I have now finished my P90X program and feel great!
With a combination of Youngevity supplements, good nutrition and exercise I now feel better than ever!
Thursday, 12 July 2012
2 Months Down!
I have now completed my 2nd month of P90X. This month I missed a week of exercise due to a much enjoyed vacation but got right back into routine once I got home.
I have been taking polen burst, 1 healthy start pack per month and I am drinking Rebound FX before and after every workout! I must say Rebound FX has easily become my favorite energy drink. I find I have way more energy before and after every workout when using it.
Monday, 4 June 2012
P90X 30 days
Well I have survived my first 30 days of P90X and have been getting better at sticking to my diet. I have been doing the standard P90X routine and trying to follow the good food/bad food guide the best I can. After 1 month of P90X I haven't noticed much gain in overall muscle mass. I actually have dropped down to 149 lbs. But P90X covers everything from cardio, flexibility to muscle building. When it comes to Cardio and flexibility I've noticed a big difference in just one month. I'm hoping to put on more muscle mass these next 2 months so I will need to push extra hard on the weight training days.
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Rebound Energy Drink
Just before my workouts I have started to drink ReboundFx Energy drink. I've become a really big fan of ReboundFX. I find it gives me a very noticeable energy boost for during my workouts and also is a great recovery drink for afterwards.

I usually mix about half a pack with a glass of water before and during my workout and the rest of the pack for another glass afterwards. Depending on how thirsty I am.
It has a lemony citrus taste that at first I must admit I was not the biggest fan of. Not because it tastes bad, I simply am not a big fan of lemon flavored products in general. Though after taking it for about 3 weeks with my workouts, I literally crave it now. Sooo goood!
Reboundfx offers a balance of
antioxidants, natural herbs and more than 75 essential minerals. This blend of
nutrients works with the body to replace the nutrients the body loses
through regular everyday stress and exercise.
If your going to be working out I highly recommend giving Rebound a try
Monday, 7 May 2012
Hitting a Plateau
After a month of doing my own exercise routine of lifting weights around 3-4 nights a week, I have come to a bit of a plateau in my workouts. I looked around at finding an exercise routine that I could follow combined with my youngevity supplements and diet.
I decided on giving P90X a shot since it focuses on strength, flexibility and Cardio... Something that I definitely was missing from my workout routine. Wow did plyometrics kick my butt!
P90X Website
P90X Website
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Month #2 April 2012 Exercise Time!
After taking Tangy Tangerine for a month now I have started to feel more and more energetic, enough that I've decided that it was time for me to dust off my neglected bowflex and try and put on some muscle!
I started with a basic 3 day exercise routine,
- Day 1 chest and shoulders
- Day 2 back and abs
- Day 3 arms and legs
I would do 3 sets per exercise aiming for a maximum of 8 reps per set in and effort to try and build muscle.
My routine would last for about 45 mins per night and I would try and exercise 4-5 nights a week.

- Tangy Tangerine for my 60 minerals and 16 vitamins.
- EFA Plus Capsules for my Essential fatty acids
- Osteo FX for calcium and magnesium to promote healthy bones and joints
- followed by a Whey Isolate shake for after my workouts.
After 1 month of taking Youngevity supplements and exercising I am feeling better than ever and ready to take my fitness to the next level!
March 20th 2012 - 147lbs April 26 2012 - 151 lbs
Learn More about Health and Nutrition at
Month #1 March 2012

After the first week or so I noticed that I was feeling a bit more energetic and after about 2 weeks I was no longer needing to pass out for a 20 min power nap after eating supper. At this point I started to faze out the bad things in my diet and start eating a bit healthier when I could. I took the good food/ bad food list and started to loosely follow it. Cutting my fast food runs down to once every few days or so and dropping my pop consumption to about 3 cans a week, cutting out gluten on the other hand.. can't say I'm there yet but I made an effort to avoid it if possible.
Eggs—soft scrambled in
butter, soft boiled, poached Butter
Mixed, Salted Nuts—no
Nut Butters—no extra
Pure Buckwheat (Isn’t
Couscous (made from
pearl millet only).
4-8, 8oz glasses of
filtered water each day. Avoid soft plastic bottles.
20,000 ORAC points of
antioxidants daily - Do a Google search for “ORAC food values” and figure out
which foods to eat to get to this number.
Any carbohydrate
(except oatmeal -see below) that is “Gluten Free” is
NO Gluten!
NO Wheat
NO Barley
NO Rye
NO Oats, oatmeal - even if it says that it is Gluten Free.
NO Fried Food
NO Oils—cooking or salad. Yes, this includes Olive Oil!!!
NO Well done meat (rare or medium-rare is ok)
NO Deli Meat, any nitrates added to meat – tell your butcher NO NITRATES
NO Soda pop.
NO Skins of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins.
By the end of the first month I had lost 10 lbs dropping from 157 lbs to 147lbs, and have started to restore my overall energy. I started to feel good enough that I decided it was time to dust off my Bowflex and start exercising again.
after 1 month of being on Tangy Tangerine,
Sorry no before picture available.
Recovering my Health
For the last couple years I had really started to notice a decline in my overall health and energy. Seeming to start about 2 years ago after I had my appendix removed and the ongoing development of a chronic sinusitis condition that no matter what I did to alleviate it would not go away. I just started to feel more and more tired at work and at home.
I learned that most people today are nutritionally deficient and that the majority of diseases can be prevented and recovered from by proper supplementation.
I had heard on the radio a couple years back about trace minerals and micro-nutrients, how they have been proven to be extremely beneficial in Alzheimer patients.
Centuries of mining, farming, and irrigation have eroded these minerals from our soils. These mineral deficient soils are then used to grow and cultivate our food. Because of this, our food is lacking in essential minerals.
My personal routine consisted of:
- 10:00 - 11:00 Wake up grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast and get ready for work
- 1:00 - 8:30 pm Go to work then for on my way home lazily pick up a burger or fast food for supper
- 9:30 - 10:00 pm Pass out for a 20 min power nap after eating and a day of work.
- 10:00 - 1:00 am Sit at the computer with a can of Coke while doing some gaming web browsing or watching a show.
- 12:00 - 1:00 am bedtime
- Getting around 9-10 hours sleep each night
- On the weekends I would take the dogs for a walk at the off-leash parks and occasionally use my Bowflex I bought a few years back. But I usually would just end up getting a headache if I overexerted myself and be even more tired the day after.

It finally got to the point that I knew my sinus problems where not getting better and the constant sinus pressure was starting to drive me mental. I bought a neti-pot, started taking Oil of Oregano and even started to vacuum the dogs thinking I might have developed some kind of allergy to our pets. Then I came across the website of Dr. Peter Glidden and started to learn about Naturopathic medicine, food allergies and Nutritional deficiencies.

I had heard on the radio a couple years back about trace minerals and micro-nutrients, how they have been proven to be extremely beneficial in Alzheimer patients.
Centuries of mining, farming, and irrigation have eroded these minerals from our soils. These mineral deficient soils are then used to grow and cultivate our food. Because of this, our food is lacking in essential minerals.
After a lot of researching I ended up ordering my first container of
Tangy Tangerine!
Tangy Tangerine!
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