Sunday 27 May 2012

Rebound Energy Drink

Just before my workouts I have started to drink ReboundFx Energy drink. I've become a really big fan of ReboundFX.  I find it gives me a very noticeable energy boost for during my workouts and also is a great recovery drink for afterwards. 

I usually mix about half a pack with a glass of water before and during my workout and the rest of the pack for another glass afterwards.   Depending on how thirsty I am.

It has a lemony citrus taste that at first I must admit I was not the biggest fan of.  Not because it tastes bad, I simply am not a big fan of lemon flavored products in general.  Though after taking it for about 3 weeks with my workouts, I literally crave it now.  Sooo goood!

 Reboundfx offers a balance of antioxidants, natural herbs and more than 75 essential minerals. This blend of nutrients works with the body to replace the nutrients the body loses through regular everyday stress and exercise.

If your going to be working out I highly recommend giving Rebound a try

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