Wednesday 20 February 2013

Rebound FX Green Shake

Over the past few months I have been eperimenting with Green shakes and have come up with my own Recipe that I call the Rebound FX Green shake. Try it out for yourself and tell me what you think!

Saturday 11 August 2012

Finished my P90X!

Well I have now finished my P90X program and feel great!  

With a combination of Youngevity supplements, good nutrition and exercise I now feel better than ever!

Thursday 12 July 2012

2 Months Down!

I have now completed my 2nd month of P90X.  This month I missed a week of exercise due to a much enjoyed vacation but got right back into routine once I got home.  
I have been taking polen burst, 1 healthy start pack per month and I am drinking Rebound FX before and after every workout!  I must say Rebound FX has easily become my favorite energy drink.  I find I have way more energy before and after every workout when using it.

Monday 4 June 2012

P90X 30 days

Well I have survived my first 30 days of P90X and have been getting better at sticking to my diet.  I have been doing the standard P90X routine and trying to follow the good food/bad food guide the best I can.  After 1 month of P90X I haven't noticed much gain in overall muscle mass.  I actually have dropped down to 149 lbs.  But P90X covers everything from cardio, flexibility to muscle building.  When it comes to Cardio and flexibility I've noticed a big difference in just one month.  I'm hoping to put on more muscle mass these next 2 months so I will need to push extra hard on the weight training days.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Rebound Energy Drink

Just before my workouts I have started to drink ReboundFx Energy drink. I've become a really big fan of ReboundFX.  I find it gives me a very noticeable energy boost for during my workouts and also is a great recovery drink for afterwards. 

I usually mix about half a pack with a glass of water before and during my workout and the rest of the pack for another glass afterwards.   Depending on how thirsty I am.

It has a lemony citrus taste that at first I must admit I was not the biggest fan of.  Not because it tastes bad, I simply am not a big fan of lemon flavored products in general.  Though after taking it for about 3 weeks with my workouts, I literally crave it now.  Sooo goood!

 Reboundfx offers a balance of antioxidants, natural herbs and more than 75 essential minerals. This blend of nutrients works with the body to replace the nutrients the body loses through regular everyday stress and exercise.

If your going to be working out I highly recommend giving Rebound a try

Monday 7 May 2012

Hitting a Plateau

After a month of doing my own exercise routine of lifting weights around 3-4 nights a week, I have come to a bit of a plateau in my workouts.  I looked around at finding an exercise routine that I could follow combined with my youngevity supplements and diet. 
I decided on giving P90X a shot since it focuses on strength, flexibility and Cardio... Something that I definitely was missing from my workout routine. Wow did plyometrics kick my butt!
P90X Website